

Or noir is an independent studio strives to offer a new sensitivity to modern women. Made for women who want to feel sleek, modern and sensual in their own skin each day. We celebrate the natural form of a woman’s body — as a rule, bras do not feature padding.
Or noir values both quality and style with the use of the finest materials, handcrafted details. Made with pleasure in mind; sexy, but not in an obvious way. We pay much attention to details and esthetics, every orders come with elegant box making it perfect for gifting.
©️or noir 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


我們為小胸女性細分尺寸,慕求令妳找到更符合自己尺寸的內衣。ornoir.co 認為內衣不再是一件為創造他人喜愛形象而存在的配件,而是一件呈現自己最自然狀態和表達自己態度的服裝。這也是為什麼我們的內衣以無鋼圈和無模杯,率性又幹練的設計為主。我們希望ornoir.co是一個可以兼顧美感和可持續性概念的品牌,所以不管在內衣的造型設計,內衣材料的選擇,內衣的裝飾部位以及產品生產的各個環節我們都十分重視。
你的每次選購都會呈現在精美的禮盒包裝裡,讓你在可負擔範圍內得到前所未有的高端購物體驗。希望選擇我們內衣的女性都可以實現 “Love it, wear it, show it”, 通過體驗 ornoir.co 帶來的無拘束感,從內到外散發自信。

©️or noir 2018. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED